Spotify’s Countdown Pages Have Arrived But They Are Not the Ultimate Presave Destination for Artists

Jul 19, 2024

Spotify’s Countdown Pages are the latest addition to the music promotion landscape, providing artists with a new tool to build anticipation for their upcoming releases.

They will have you believe that, in their own words, “this is the ultimate pre-release destination”. However, its features are not up to standard for running effective presave campaigns in 2024.

They are attempting to pull the wool over your eyes by neatly packaging what little features they do offer into a shiny user interface experience inside the Spotify app and by selling you with the idea that, again in their own words, “Countdown Pages are a gamechanger, offering the first-ever way to drive pre-saves for your upcoming music directly on Spotify – right where fans listen”...

In reality, you don’t need to drive pre-saves for your upcoming releases directly on Spotify. In fact, simply by doing just that and only using this tool you would be damaging your presave campaign and missing out on the most important thing, true fan engagement. Once a listener presaves your track using this shiny countdown tool that’s it — there's no ongoing relationship, no follow-up, and critically, no way for you to directly communicate with those fans in the future. That’s a real problem.

The good news is that there are plenty of advanced presave tools that already offer these capabilities and beyond, as well as many headline features that Spotify’s Countdown Pages boast.

But before we dive into those tools and why they are the true ultimate pre-release destination for artists, let’s take a look at what Spotify is offering with its Countdown Pages.

What Are Spotify Countdown Pages and How Do They Work?

Spotify Countdown Pages are in-app landing pages designed to help artists promote their upcoming releases. They aim to generate hype and engage fans in the lead-up to the release date. Here’s how they work:

The Pros: A Nice-to-Have Feature

Spotify Countdown Pages offer several benefits for artists, particularly those who meet the eligibility criteria. The ability to pre-save songs or albums, receive push notifications, and engage with multimedia content enhances the fan experience and can drive initial streaming numbers.

The integration with Shopify for merchandise sales and access to basic analytics are added bonuses that can help artists gauge the success of their campaigns. However, these features, while beneficial, are not transformative and should be seen as supplementary tools rather than game-changers in the world of music promotion.

The Cons: Why Spotify Countdown Pages Are Not the Ultimate Solution

1. Only Works in App

One significant limitation is that Countdown Pages are only accessible within the Spotify app. This restriction may reduce the potential reach and limit fan engagement to Spotify users only. Artists are left neglecting fans who use other platforms like Apple Music or Amazon Music.

2. Basic Analytics

While Spotify Countdown Pages offer some analytics, the data provided is quite basic. More advanced insights, such as detailed demographic information and engagement metrics, are not available. For artists looking to understand their audience deeply, this is a major drawback.

3. Doesn’t Collect Fan Data

Perhaps the most critical drawback is that Spotify Countdown Pages do not allow artists to collect fan data, such as email addresses or phone numbers. This lack of data collection limits artists' ability to engage directly with their audience outside of Spotify, making personalized marketing efforts impossible.

4. Neglects Other DSPs

Focusing solely on Spotify can be a missed opportunity, as it neglects other digital service providers (DSPs) like Apple Music, Amazon Music, and Deezer. A comprehensive promotional strategy should encompass multiple platforms to maximize reach.

5. Limited Eligibility

Only artists with over 5,000 active listeners in the last 28 days and an upcoming album are eligible to use Spotify Countdown Pages. This requirement excludes many emerging artists who might benefit from such a feature, leaving them without access to this potentially valuable tool.

Why Using Third-Party Pre-Save Software Like ForeverFan Is Crucial

While Spotify Countdown Pages offer some benefits, they are far from being the ultimate pre-save solution. Here’s why third-party pre-save software like ForeverFan is indispensable:

1. Cross-Platform Reach

Third-party advanced pre-save tools allow artists to target fans across multiple DSPs, not just Spotify. This broader reach is crucial for engaging a wider audience and maximizing the impact of a release. ForeverFan ensures that your presave campaigns are inclusive of all major streaming platforms, thus broadening your reach and engagement.

Not to mention that our Forever Presaves tool enables automatic presaves for not just your upcoming release, but all future releases — plus the option to collect your fans' email addresses, phone numbers and locations.

2. Comprehensive Analytics

Advanced pre-save tools like ForeverFan provide detailed analytics, giving artists deeper insights into their fanbase and the effectiveness of their campaigns. This data can be used to refine marketing strategies and better understand audience behavior, far surpassing the basic analytics offered by Spotify Countdown Pages.

3. Direct Fan Engagement

Collecting fan data, such as email addresses and phone numbers, is vital for direct communication. This data enables artists to send personalized updates, exclusive content, and promotional offers, fostering a stronger connection with their audience. ForeverFan’s data collection capabilities ensure you’re not just engaging with your fans but also understanding and building a relationship with them.

4. Greater Flexibility

Third-party tools often offer more customization and flexibility, allowing artists to tailor their pre-save campaigns to their specific needs and preferences. This adaptability can lead to more effective and engaging promotional efforts. With ForeverFan, you can design campaigns that reflect your brand and engage your audience in meaningful ways.

To find out more about why regular presave links are outdated and why you switch to advanced presave tools like Forever Presaves you can check out our detailed breakdown here.


Spotify’s Countdown Pages are a valuable addition to the music promotion toolkit, offering a convenient way to build anticipation and engage fans within the Spotify app. However, they are not the ultimate pre-save solution for artists. The limitations in reach, analytics, data collection, and eligibility mean that relying solely on Countdown Pages could hinder a comprehensive promotional strategy.

Third-party pre-save software, like ForeverFan, provides a more robust and flexible solution, allowing artists to reach a wider audience, collect valuable fan data, and gain deeper insights into their promotional efforts. By integrating these tools into your overall strategy, you can ensure that your music promotion is effective, engaging, and far-reaching.

Sign up for ForeverFan today and take your presave campaigns to the next level.

Don’t just presave, Forever Presave your way to success.

Click here to get started today.


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Why Regular Presaves Are Outdated: Embrace the Future with Advanced Presave Campaigns

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The smart way for musicians to build, understand, and nurture their fanbase.

© 2024 ForeverFan Music Inc.

The smart way for musicians to build, understand, and nurture their fanbase.

© 2024 ForeverFan Music Inc.